Thursday, October 22, 2015

Same Sex Adoption

On June 26 of 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court granted the right for same sex couples to marry in all 50 states. From 1996 to 2013, in defiance of this law 15 states in the U.S. prohibited same sex couples from legally getting married. A strongly controversial issue that has risen is the idea of adoption for these newly privileged-to-marry couples. Although the right has been around for years for opposite-sex couples that aren't able to conceive a child by natural means, it has been denied same-sex couples on the grounds that if you can't conceive by natural means you can't adopt. Many children in the U.S. are currently orphaned. They remain the the foster care system until they turn 18, whereupon they get thrown. These unfortunates had no parents as children and now they have no parents of family as adults. The foster care system is overburdened, inefficient, and expensive. These children need parents and families. Same-sex couples are more than willing to take them in. It's not like gay parents raising children is a new idea. Many mothers and fathers of children biologically are gay, even though they may be undercover. Furthermore, two women raising children is not new. Mothers and live-in grandmothers (or live-in aunts) have been doing it for years with no cry of "women with no men should not be raising boys." The only difference that I can see is that love from "mother and grandmother" would be replaced by love from "mother and co-mother." (M.Gomez MDC student)

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